A straightforward solution.

Reliable in performance, production, and price.

There is no time to waste when addressing the problem of IV line mixups, so our system is designed and manufactured with simple, reliable, and cost-effective components. 

Life-saving technology is only truly helpful if it is reasonably priced and reliably available to those who need it.

The Lightengale IVT system aims to mitigate the risk presented by infusion line mixups and manual IV line tracing. Despite the prevalence of IV administration errors, there remains a low appreciation for this common threat to patient safety. 1

Likewise, we understand there is a low appreciation for the process required to actually implement new solutions, particularly in healthcare. Life-saving technology can’t actually save lives if the components aren’t reliably manufactured, the suppliers can’t fulfill purchase orders, or the price bankrupts the hospital.

1. Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Amanda Wollitz, PharmD, Patient Safety Analyst; Matthew Grissinger, RPh, FISMP, FASCP, Manager, Medication Safety Analysis. Aligning the Lines: An Analysis of IV Line Errors. Pa Patient Saf Advis 2014 Mar;11(1):1-7.

Lightengale IVT system offers seamless integration and dependable components at a reasonable price point.

Distinct Innovation

Patient safety demands a better way. Unlike unmodified IVTs, with Lightengale the entire length of the IV line is immediately illuminated, from pump to patient.

See Lightengale in Action

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Reduced Risk

Using line labels to identify each end of a line is better than nothing, but in one study, incomplete labeling of IV tubing represented over 31% of errors. 2 Lightengale simplifies what was complex and brings reliable precision where it is needed most.


Practical Technology

Manufactured with simple, reliable components, Lightengale’s novel design is uncomplicated and integrates seamlessly with your current, preferred IVT equipment and protocols.

Increased Efficiency

Manual line tracing is time consuming and prone to error, but with Lightengale, the illuminated line is thoroughly and immediately recognizable. That means less time nursing staff wastes on traditional line verification, more time focusing on patients, and more lives saved.

2. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Summa-Sorgini C, Fernandes V, Lubchansky S, et al. Errors Associated with IV Infusions in Critical Care. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2012;65(1):19-26. doi:10.4212/cjhp.v65i1.1099

With the Lightengale system, nurses use a pocket-size pen light to illuminate individual IV lines from pump to patient.

Manufactured with simple, reliable components that are compatible with existing infusion pumps, Lightengale’s production and design are as uncomplicated as the solution itself.

Our expert support team is also available to ensure the seamless implementation and integration of the system. Lightengale reduces the complexity of infusion line identification, from purchase to practice, and improves outcomes for all involved.

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