After a tragic diagnosis for their infant son, Hans Utz and his wife spent weeks in the cardiac intensive care unit watching the heroic acts of nurses and doctors as they fought to save the life of their son.
The high-stress pace and complexity of critical care medicine is hard to overstate, and Hans quickly developed a deep appreciation of the training and technology required to deliver care.
In the midst of the complexity, Hans watched the nurses manually tracing the tangled medical lines repeatedly during each shift, and he was struck by how tedious, time consuming, and surely error-prone that task must have been.
As a concerned father, Hans watched the nurses trace lines with alarm. As an industrial engineer, he recognized a practical solution: if nurses could easily see and distinguish an infusion line from pump to patient, the whole process to identify IVT would be faster and safer.
Technical and Regulatory Advisor
Nursing Advisor
Neonatologist and Board Member
Supply Chain Advisor